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2025 AdStrat Claims Conference | Feb 25, 8:00 AM CST – Feb 27, 5:00 PM CST Biloxi, 850 Bayview Ave, Biloxi, MS 39530, USA
Get Tickets- 1 hour
Registration & Breakfast Buffet - Sponsored by Monarch ISC
Ballroom A/B Foyer - 30 minutes
Kick Off & Welcome Message
Ballroom B - 1 hour
2024 Lessons Learned Panel
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Break - Sponsored by Hi Marley
- 1 hour
Flood Damage to Floor Tiles - Donan/Alpine Intel - CE Class (AL, FL, MS, TX,GA)
Ballroom B - 1 hour
Legal Landscape of Claims Handling
Ballroom B - 1 hour 30 minutes
Southern Deli Lunch Buffet
Ballroom A - 1 hour
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Break - Sponsored by Hi Marley
- 25 minutes
P&C Breakout Session: Master the Art of Problem Solving in the Field
Ballroom F - 50 minutes
Examiner Breakout Session: Examination: CMS Fundamental
Ballroom H - 50 minutes
Flood Breakout Session: Contents in Xactimate
Ballroom B - 50 minutes
New to Flood Breakout Session: Flood Fundamentals
Ballroom G - 25 minutes
P&C Breakout: From Desk to Success: Elevate your Claims Game!
Ballroom F - 25 minutes
P&C Breakout Session: Master Estimating and Construction Basics
Ballroom F - 50 minutes
Examiner Breakout Session: The Examiner/Adjuster Relationship
Ballroom H - 50 minutes
Xact Breakout Session: Xactimate Mobile - CE for TX
Ballroom B - 50 minutes
Flood Breakout Session: Advanced Flood Claims Handling
Ballroom G - 25 minutes
P&C Breakout Session: Unlock Success with Major Carriers: Your Guide to Streamlined Claims
Ballroom F - 10 minutes
End of Day Wrap Up and Prizes
Ballroom B - 1 hour
Happy Hour (hors d'oeuvres & beverages)
Ballroom A/B Foyer
- 1 hour
Breakfast Buffet & Networking
Ballroom A/B Foyer - 15 minutes
Welcome and Day 1 Recap
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Flood Claims Manual
Ballroom B - 45 minutes
RAP Handling & Litigation
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Break - Sponsored by Verisk
- 1 hour
Industry Panel
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
You Can Make a Change
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Private Flood
Ballroom B - 1 hour 30 minutes
Biloxi Blues BBQ Lunch Buffet
Ballroom A - 1 hour
Wind vs Surge - Keystone Engineering - CE Class
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Break - Sponsored by Verisk
- 30 minutes
Breakout Session: CoreLogic Basics Part 1
Ballroom F - 30 minutes
Xactimate Breakout Session: Are You Blown Away Part 1 - CE for TX
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Examiner Breakout Session: Outside Examination - Client Focus
Ballroom H - 30 minutes
Flood Breakout Session: How to Avoid Revisions/File Returns
Ballroom G - 30 minutes
Xact Breakout Session: Are You Blown Away Part 2 - CE for TX
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
Breakout Session: Core Logic Basics Part 2
Ballroom F - 30 minutes
New to Flood Breakout Session: Introduction to the AdStrat FACP Program
Ballroom G - 30 minutes
Breakout Session: iTEL
Ballroom H - 30 minutes
End of Day Wrap Up & Annual AdStrat Awards
Ballroom B - 1 hour
Happy Hour (hors d'oeuvres & beverages)
Ballroom A/B Foyer
- 1 hour 30 minutes
Breakfast Buffet Sponsored by Keystone Experts & Engineers
Ballroom A/B Foyer - 1 hour
Core Logic System Enhancements
Ballroom B - 1 hour
Why am I Waterlogged - Xactimate CE Class (TX)
Ballroom B - 1 hour
Xactimate Overview for Flood
Ballroom B - 1 hour
Deli Lunch Buffet
Ballroom A - 2 hours 30 minutes
Xactimate Level 2 Prep
Ballroom B - 30 minutes
End of Conference Wrap Up
Ballroom B
Subject to Change
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